FIX: Your system manages updates on this PC error

Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest group in PC software and technology. She started off writing more or less mobile phones plunk for when Samsung Galaxy S Cardinal was on top of the world and... Understand many

  • The Your organization manages updates on this PC message shows up even up when you check eligibility of personal Windows computers.
  • If you have a school OR work account connected to your arrangement, that could bring up this issue.
  • You can resolve this problem by quickly changing some Group Insurance Editor settings.

how to fix your organization manages updates on this PC error


Along with Windows 11's launch, Microsoft introduced a not bad little software called PC Wellness Check with the sole purpose of enabling users to check if their current Windows PCs meet the minimum requirements for this OS or non.

Unfortunately, galore of the fascinated users were greeted by Your organization manages updates on this Personal computer subject matter despite checking connected a personal computer.

Users encountering this write out were not able to see the eligibility of their Windows information processing system direct the software and were socialist with no other option but to manually check the minimum requirements for Windows 11.

What does Your organization manages updates on this Microcomputer normal?

If the PC Health Check app connected your machine displays this message on the screen, it simply substance that you do not have the executive rights of the PC OR you are non logged in using the administrator account.

Thither stool be other possibilities too, such arsenic if you are using a Microsoft Fellowship account and a parent or caretaker is set as the primary system of rules administrator.

Moreover, this subject can also present itself on Windows machines that rich person linked business or educational accounts.

On the impudent side, using a local account on a Windows computer prat besides be the culprit posterior this message since having a Microsoft account is a requirement for Windows 11.

Though on that point are some possibilities of wherefore this issue is presenting itself, you don't demand to be afraid. Below are some quick and casual fixes that will in spades solve the problem.

How can I fix the error: Your organization manages updates on this PC?

1. Use an administrator account statement

  1. Click connected the Start Carte du jour and choose the Settings option.

    Windows settings

  2. Next, click on the Accounts chit present on the left panel of the Settings window. Then, clack along the Your info tile salute to the odd of the window.

    Windows account

  3. After that, your account statement role will follow mentioned right underneath your account constitute. Information technology should be saying Administrator; if it not, you need to contact lens your system administrator to get your chronicle upgraded to an administrator or get credential for the administrator account.

    Windows administrator

As mentioned earliest, this issue by and large substance that you are not functioning an administrator account. Olibanum, the most importantly thing you should piddle sure of is that you wealthy person an administrator bill on the system or at least have credential for one.

Changing to an administrator history will most likely settle the issue. In case you are already logged in with an admin write u, move connected to the next solutions in the list.

2. Disconnect work or shoal account

  1. To disconnect workplace or school accounts, click on the Start Menu image present on the taskbar and and then choose the Settings alternative.

    Windows settings

  2. Incoming, click on the Accounts tab present on the left-handed panel of the screen and then head to the Access work or school roofing tile set on the left side of the window.

    Windows 11 account

  3. Afterward that, click on the Disconnect clitoris present on the school or work account tile.
  4. Erstwhile you throw fragmented the work or schoolhouse accounting, restart your automobile from the Start up Menu and run the PC Health Check app.

3. Edit Windows Registry

  1. First, press Windows+R on your keyboard to conjure up the Melt down command utility. Then, type regedit in the place provided and click happening the OK clit. This wish unenclosed a Register Editor window on your screen.

    run command utility

  2. Next, navigate to the following cardinal using the socialist venire on the Registry Editor windowpane. You can also re-create+glue the following textbook in the address bar:

    Computing machine\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software package\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PushNotifications

    navigate in registry editor

  3. Then, double click on the NoToastApplicationNotification file. This will ingenuous a overlay pane on your screen.

    double click on the dword file

  4. At present, insert 0 in the Esteem information: field and tick happening the OK release to confirm and close.

    edit registry value

  5. Finally, restart the computer using the Start Menu and check if the issue has been resolved.

    Restart Windows 11

4. Change Group Policy Editor in chief Settings

Note icon

Group Policy Editor in chief is only available connected Windows Pro versions. Since this answer requires a Group Insurance policy Editor, it alone applies to a certain syndicate of Windows users.

  1. Pressur Windows+R on your keyboard to bring up the Ravel command utility. Then, type gpedit.msc and click on the OK push button or hit Enter connected your keyboard.

    run group policy editor

  2. Next, navigate to the tailing directory happening Group Policy Editor. Now, from the precise go with of the window, locate and double-click along the Pull off final stage drug user experience directory.

    Data processor Constellation/Admisistrative Templates/ Windows Components/ Windows Update

    Manage end user experience

  3. Then, repeat-click Configure Automatic Updates.

    Configure automatic updates

  4. After that, prime the Not Configured option by clicking on the radio button preceeding it. Side by side, click Apply to substantiate and flick the OK release to confidential the window.

    Configure automatic updates

  5. Now restart your Windows machine and run the PC Health Halt app to get wind if the issue has been resolved.

    Restart windows 11

    Since this solution requires a Group Policy Editor, it only applies to a certain pool of Windows users. Though for non-in favor of users there are slew of other reliable solutions.

5. Change Symptomatic data settings

  1. First, click on the Set out Menu button from the taskbar of your calculator and choose the Settings option from the flyout.
    run settings app
  2. Next, click connected the Secrecy &ere; security lozenge from the left sidebar of the windowpane. Then, chink on the Symptomatic & feedback tile present to the right of your screen.

    windows settings

  3. Later that, locate the Send off optional diagnostic data department and so toggle switch to the Along position.

    send optional data

  4. Re-start your Personal computer and run the PC Health Check app. Your issue should equal resolved by now.

    Restart windows 11

If the issue is presenting itself due to the insufficient data being sent to Microsoft, dynamic Diagnostic data will cent percent resolve the problem.

6. Enable telemetry

  1. To do so, press the Windows+R crosscut on your keyboard to get up Run command utility. And then, type services.msc in the space provided and cluck on the OK button.

    run command utility

  2. Next, from the services window, settle the Coupled user experience and telemetry option and double-click thereon to open. This volition open a separate windowpane connected the screen.

    click on telemetry

  3. Now, click on the drop-down bill of fare placed adjacent to the Startup type field and select the Self-activating option.

    telemetry startup config

  4. Then, click along the Apply release to redeem the changes and penetrate on the OK button to careful the window.

    save telemetry settings

  5. Now, reboot the Windows machine from the Start Menu and run the PC Checkup app.

What behind I do when getting the subject matter saying This Personal computer can't hightail it Windows 11?

With the above-mentioned solutions, you are most in all probability to resolve the problem in no time. However, for many users, another issue comes to the light.

Windows 11 has some peculiar minimum requirements that many devices seemingly cannot fulfill, and as a result, testament not be able to run the desired Bone.

In event your PC is also unitary of the unfortunate ones, it is up to you to solve the message saying This PC put up't move Windows 11.

There has also been a pool of users complaining of the not-availableness of settings along with the above-mentioned issue. If that's also the case with you, make sure to check out our post on some settings that are managed by your organization issue.

Just in case you still have questions or straight suggestions, do not hesitate to let us bon using the comments section beneath, and we'll pay off back to you as soon as possible.

FIX: Your organization manages updates on this PC error
